On the left we have Jennifer Guidry, Jennifer has had the experience of being one of our top Portalet drivers at Workbox, now she has moved to become an amazing dispatcher and support for all our portalet drivers! Jenn doesn’t let anything slip through the cracks! If you need training or assistance, or great service Jenn is your girl!
Next we have Becky Purdom, Becky has been at workbox for 8 years. Becky has performed every roll there is to know inside our office. Becky currently runs our accounts receivable department. When anyone needs anything, drivers, staff and most importantly our customers they know they can count on Becky to get it done!
In the middle in the bright pink we have Toby David! Toby is our top customer service employee, she always delivers the service she promises! Toby has been with workbox now for 2 years and counting. Our customers look forward to hearing Toby on the other end of the phone, they know when they need fast service to ask for Toby!
Next we have a brand new employee Samee Zumo! We couldn’t be more thrilled to have Samee on our team. From the first day she started the office staff was drawn to her. She is not only amazing at what she does but she can put a smile on anyone’s face! We know with Samee on our team Workbox has a lot to look forward to!
Monica Goudeau! Everyone knows Monica for her amazing work ethic and her outgoing personality. Workbox has become a better team with her on it. Monica is one of our sales representatives! She came to Workbox a year ago ready to work and show us what she could do! From the day she started at Workbox her customers always come first. If you want to know your company will be in good hands call our girl Monica!!
Next on the list we have Hannah Padial, she has been with Workbox for 4 years now. Hannah is the CFO at Workbox. She has worked just about every position possible and is great at what she does! Hannah is our office problem-solver, no matter what this issue is, Hannah always has the right answer! Hannah is very dedicated to her job and is a pleasure to work with!
Last but not least we have Basia Walters! Basia started off as an intern at workbox while still attending Louisiana State University full time. Everyday Basia is at Worbox is a better day! Basia is a multitasker, she can go from customer service to accounting to helping all of our drivers! Basia can handle anything that is given to her and do it with the biggest smile on her face.